women all seemed very smug about their children, their possessions, and their freedom from bondage, but I noticed that they occasionally looked a bit jealously at the bound slave girls who simpered about, flaunting their erotic helplessness at the available bachelors. And didn't it seem that some of the married women were tightening the bondage of the slave girls just a wee bit too enthusiastically?

I had no such problem. I was already bound as immoveably as their technology could make me. In fact, I had to just dangle, suspended by my wrists from a tree at a convenient height, while the men passed by and curiously fondled my breasts, buttocks, and tickled my ribs or poked between my legs or bottom-cheeks.

Dangling next to me, the feminized Eric was just as bad off. A spreader bar had been tied behind his kenees, then he had been bent over and a loop passed behind his neck, the ends secured to the spreader bar

so that he had to keep his legs raised, knees bent and spread wide.

Next his elbows had been bound behind his back and a cord run from these and tied into his hair, pulling his head back just as far as mine was. We had both discovered that in this state, it is very difficult to keep one's mouth closed, so we tended to keep our lips seductively



Finally, a strong bamboo pole had been tied behind her back, just under her armpits, and this had been hing at a convenient height from the branch right next to me, so that poor Eric was suspended there with her legs spread, mouth open, tits thrusting out, and her shapely ass and pussy available to anyone who passed.

"Eric!" I managed to whisper at last, "Is this where I think it is?"

"It's that Island," She replied, her dusky flesh shining with perspiration from fear and the incredible strain of hanging there, "The one I told you about! These people practically worship Bondage! They believe that a woman must be kept bound, nude, a slave to the community until... until..."

"Until what?"

"Until she gets pregnant! Until then, she can be used by any man woman or child on the island for whatever they want!"

"Pregnant?" I bleated pitifully, "But that means we won't ever be.... we'll have to be sex toys to these savages for... doesn't anyone ever come here?"

"A team of Sociologists from France," Eric said, "At least that's what it said in the article! But they don't want to upset the Social